The Atlas Scientific Industrial Conductivity Transmitter is a sophisticated device designed to facilitate the integration of high-accuracy conductivity measurements into programmable logic controllers (PLCs). This transmitter is engineered to overcome the challenges posed by modern low voltage electronics and communication protocols, ensuring seamless compatibility with industrial computers.
This device is capable of reading conductivity across a broad range, providing precise measurements with an accuracy of plus or minus two percent. It supports calibration through either a one or two-point process, which can be conducted remotely via the PLC or directly on the device itself. The transmitter is compatible with any two-lead conductivity probe, specifically those with a K value of 0.1 or 1.0, and it supports temperature probes such as the PT-100 or PT-1000.
The Atlas Scientific Industrial Conductivity Transmitter includes automatic temperature compensation, adhering to the international standard ISO 7888 for the determination of electrical conductivity. It is designed for easy installation on a 35mm DIN rail and provides an output of 4 to 20mA. The device operates within a voltage range of 9VDC to 36VDC and is electrically isolated to ensure safe and reliable operation.